Success Stories

Discover How We Helped Our Clients in Their Fitness Journey


My name is Kelly. Here is my weight loss story: I am 37 years old and grew to 222.5 pounds. After three pregnancies and years of eating whatever I wanted, along with no physical exercise, I was completely out of control. And, I had no idea how to regain control.I found Inspire on the internet and thought I’d give it a try. When I made my appointment, I was really unsure, but as soon as I met Steve, I realized that I had already come a long way just by showing up.

Steve was great about working with me to slowly, very slowly look at what I had been eating – which was a mammoth amount of food each day. I learned about food with Steve and have been able to eat a much better diet without feeling hungry, wanting, or deprived.

I also learned about exercise. Steve taught me about how far I can push myself & which exercises will produce the results that I was seeking.

Inspire is such a comfortable gym that I didn’t feel intimidated & quickly began to feel like Inspire was my gym.

So, you want to know the numbers, right? Well, here they are:

I started at Inspire at 222.5 pounds. (I would have never allowed any photos to be taken of me at that point, hence the weird head turn- this photo was taken without my knowledge.) At the time the photo on the right was taken, I was down to 165 pounds. That was after eating right & exercising once a week on my own & meeting with Steve twice each week. It took about 9 months to achieve those results. But here’s the best part: I feel great! (and, since the photo was taken, I’ve lost even more weight & am at 154 right now!)



My name is Kelly. Here is my weight loss story: I am 37 years old and grew to 222.5 pounds. After three pregnancies and years of eating whatever I wanted, along with no physical exercise, I was completely out of control. And, I had no idea how to regain control.I found Inspire on the internet and thought I’d give it a try. When I made my appointment, I was really unsure, but as soon as I met Steve, I realized that I had already come a long way just by showing up.

Steve was great about working with me to slowly, very slowly look at what I had been eating – which was a mammoth amount of food each day. I learned about food with Steve and have been able to eat a much better diet without feeling hungry, wanting, or deprived.

I also learned about exercise. Steve taught me about how far I can push myself & which exercises will produce the results that I was seeking.

Inspire is such a comfortable gym that I didn’t feel intimidated & quickly began to feel like Inspire was my gym.

So, you want to know the numbers, right? Well, here they are:

I started at Inspire at 222.5 pounds. (I would have never allowed any photos to be taken of me at that point, hence the weird head turn- this photo was taken without my knowledge.) At the time the photo on the right was taken, I was down to 165 pounds. That was after eating right & exercising once a week on my own & meeting with Steve twice each week. It took about 9 months to achieve those results. But here’s the best part: I feel great! (and, since the photo was taken, I’ve lost even more weight & am at 154 right now!)



Did you ever think that you could change your story? I didn’t until I made it happen. I like to say that I am 7 years old because in 2010 I decided to make a change. 2010 changed my life and my original story forever. I started that year at 207 pounds (my heaviest outside of being pregnant). I was shocked and decided I had to do something different. My goal at that time was to be 155 pounds and it took me 52 weeks to drop 52 pounds (lots of ups and downs in the process). But I did it. I was able to go from a size 18-20 down to a size 10. Over the last few years, I gained some of it back and stayed in my size 10 clothes and I was ok with that. On Feb 6, 2016, at a routine doctor’s appointment, a door was opened. During the visit (small talk) I discovered that he was a member here at Inspire, and he mentioned that they were looking for new trainers, and the door to Inspire Fitness was opened. Since then I’ve been a personal trainer at Inspire Fitness and yet was still settled on the belief that I would never get down to 155 again.

Have you ever been around someone who could see your greatness more easily than you could see it in yourself? That was me. I started training with Chad and during our weekly workout sessions, I started to believe more and more that I could do it. He had a vision for me, and it was up to me to see it, believe it, and do it. So I decided in January to do a vision board. On that board was a goal of 155 pounds or better. That was my 1st step, seeing it. March 16, 2017, is when I decided to “Make it Real”. I started training to do my 1st fitness show. My starting weight was around 165. I made small goals of 5 pounds at a time. I cleaned up my diet, even more, spent countless hours in the cardio room, training with weights, and tons of, “I can do it” talks with Chad and myself. The show was June 10, 2017, and the closer I got to the show, the smaller I was getting. I not only met my goal of 155 pounds, but I exceeded it and got down to 138 (my leanest of my adult life!) The show was amazing and I’m ready for another. As the excitement of the show calms down, real-life settles backs in and new goals have been established.

So if I can change my story, you can too. You don’t have to walk it alone, let me walk with you.



Did you ever think that you could change your story? I didn’t until I made it happen. I like to say that I am 7 years old because in 2010 I decided to make a change. 2010 changed my life and my original story forever. I started that year at 207 pounds (my heaviest outside of being pregnant). I was shocked and decided I had to do something different. My goal at that time was to be 155 pounds and it took me 52 weeks to drop 52 pounds (lots of ups and downs in the process). But I did it. I was able to go from a size 18-20 down to a size 10. Over the last few years, I gained some of it back and stayed in my size 10 clothes and I was ok with that. On Feb 6, 2016, at a routine doctor’s appointment, a door was opened. During the visit (small talk) I discovered that he was a member here at Inspire, and he mentioned that they were looking for new trainers, and the door to Inspire Fitness was opened. Since then I’ve been a personal trainer at Inspire Fitness and yet was still settled on the belief that I would never get down to 155 again.

Have you ever been around someone who could see your greatness more easily than you could see it in yourself? That was me. I started training with Chad and during our weekly workout sessions, I started to believe more and more that I could do it. He had a vision for me, and it was up to me to see it, believe it, and do it. So I decided in January to do a vision board. On that board was a goal of 155 pounds or better. That was my 1st step, seeing it. March 16, 2017, is when I decided to “Make it Real”. I started training to do my 1st fitness show. My starting weight was around 165. I made small goals of 5 pounds at a time. I cleaned up my diet, even more, spent countless hours in the cardio room, training with weights, and tons of, “I can do it” talks with Chad and myself. The show was June 10, 2017, and the closer I got to the show, the smaller I was getting. I not only met my goal of 155 pounds, but I exceeded it and got down to 138 (my leanest of my adult life!) The show was amazing and I’m ready for another. As the excitement of the show calms down, real-life settles backs in and new goals have been established.

So if I can change my story, you can too. You don’t have to walk it alone, let me walk with you.


If you are anything like me, you are just plain tired of being tired! I have fought the weight battle all my life and tried many other programs. I tried the pre-packed foods, the shakes, the low card/no carb, the intense workout videos, the group “weight loss” programs. You name it, I tried it. Some would work for a period of time, but nothing was a true lifestyle change, and always I would gain back all I had lost, and then some. Nothing addressed the entire approach from physical, to mental, to the food. I was staring down turning 50 years old and being in the worst shape of my life, not a position I wanted to be in, it was time to figure out what was truly going to work for the rest of my life so I could be around to see my kids get married, hold grand-kids down the road, and be alongside my wife for many long years.

I started the “search”. I looked at several options in the area. I looked at a “weight lifting” only personal training gym that promised me I could reach all my fitness goals in less time than a sitcom. No cardio equipment in the gym and if I wanted to discuss my eating habits, that was another person and more money. They even put me through a brutal first workout to show me how tough they could make it. I was not impressed. I then checked out one of the many cross-fit gyms in the area. I know these are popular, but again they address only one aspect of the issue, and they have all participants doing the same activities each class (with modifications). It was cheap, but from my perspective, it was a little reckless and not right for me.

My last stop was Inspire Fitness. I had already had a great email exchange and phone call before coming in for my initial consultation. I met with trainer and co-owner Steve Juengert. Little did I know Steve was about to change my life forever. Steve’s approach was so refreshing. Steve wanted to understand my motivation for seeking out a trainer. He started asking all sorts of questions in order to understand my mind-set. What a refreshing approach! The consultation workout was measured and safe. Steve was all about teaching from the first minute, while also keeping me physically, safe given how out of shape I was. By the end of the first session, I knew that Steve cared deeply about his clients and he took his job very seriously. He’s been training professionally for 30 years. He knows every aspect of fitness; from the weight training, the cardio, the food down to the micro-nutrients, as well as the mental approach. My choice was clear!

Since joining Inspire, I’ve lost 90 pounds. Yes, I’m really happy about the weight loss, but like Steve has told me numerous time, focus on the health and the weight loss will naturally happen. I’m more active than I’ve ever been (ran a 5k at Thanksgiving!) and arguably in the best shape of my life. I look forward to my training sessions and have met the entire staff at Inspire now, and they are all great! Best decision and best investment I’ve ever made regarding my health. So, don’t wait any longer, set up the consultation and they will help figure out the right trainer for you. You’ve taken the first step by researching, now take the most important step and set up the consultation!



If you are anything like me, you are just plain tired of being tired! I have fought the weight battle all my life and tried many other programs. I tried the pre-packed foods, the shakes, the low card/no carb, the intense workout videos, the group “weight loss” programs. You name it, I tried it. Some would work for a period of time, but nothing was a true lifestyle change, and always I would gain back all I had lost, and then some. Nothing addressed the entire approach from physical, to mental, to the food. I was staring down turning 50 years old and being in the worst shape of my life, not a position I wanted to be in, it was time to figure out what was truly going to work for the rest of my life so I could be around to see my kids get married, hold grand-kids down the road, and be alongside my wife for many long years.

I started the “search”. I looked at several options in the area. I looked at a “weight lifting” only personal training gym that promised me I could reach all my fitness goals in less time than a sitcom. No cardio equipment in the gym and if I wanted to discuss my eating habits, that was another person and more money. They even put me through a brutal first workout to show me how tough they could make it. I was not impressed. I then checked out one of the many cross-fit gyms in the area. I know these are popular, but again they address only one aspect of the issue, and they have all participants doing the same activities each class (with modifications). It was cheap, but from my perspective, it was a little reckless and not right for me.

My last stop was Inspire Fitness. I had already had a great email exchange and phone call before coming in for my initial consultation. I met with trainer and co-owner Steve Juengert. Little did I know Steve was about to change my life forever. Steve’s approach was so refreshing. Steve wanted to understand my motivation for seeking out a trainer. He started asking all sorts of questions in order to understand my mind-set. What a refreshing approach! The consultation workout was measured and safe. Steve was all about teaching from the first minute, while also keeping me physically, safe given how out of shape I was. By the end of the first session, I knew that Steve cared deeply about his clients and he took his job very seriously. He’s been training professionally for 30 years. He knows every aspect of fitness; from the weight training, the cardio, the food down to the micro-nutrients, as well as the mental approach. My choice was clear!

Since joining Inspire, I’ve lost 90 pounds. Yes, I’m really happy about the weight loss, but like Steve has told me numerous time, focus on the health and the weight loss will naturally happen. I’m more active than I’ve ever been (ran a 5k at Thanksgiving!) and arguably in the best shape of my life. I look forward to my training sessions and have met the entire staff at Inspire now, and they are all great! Best decision and best investment I’ve ever made regarding my health. So, don’t wait any longer, set up the consultation and they will help figure out the right trainer for you. You’ve taken the first step by researching, now take the most important step and set up the consultation!



"Eat better. Exercise more"- I had heard it all a billion times from trainers and fitness centers, internet, friends and doctors, but I never really understood how exactly food and exercise affect the human body until I met Steve @ Inspire Fitness.

Here I am, a year later, much lighter :), better educated about fitness, healthier, happier and more confident than ever.

Words cannot express how great it feels to look in my closet every morning and have more choices about what clothes I can now fit into.

Thank you, Steve, for being a great mentor, supporting me, encouraging me, pushing me further and not letting me lose hope.

"Nothing tastes as good as fitness feels”!!!



"Eat better. Exercise more"- I had heard it all a billion times from trainers and fitness centers, internet, friends and doctors, but I never really understood how exactly food and exercise affect the human body until I met Steve @ Inspire Fitness.

Here I am, a year later, much lighter :), better educated about fitness, healthier, happier and more confident than ever.

Words cannot express how great it feels to look in my closet every morning and have more choices about what clothes I can now fit into.

Thank you, Steve, for being a great mentor, supporting me, encouraging me, pushing me further and not letting me lose hope.

"Nothing tastes as good as fitness feels”!!!


”When we had our first consultation we talked about my wants, needs, and desires as they related to my wish to once again play serious golf. The major obstacle to this wish was, of course, me; being an overweight, out-of-shape, 64-year-old man, with multiple heart stents and a total right knee replacement. This letter is simply to say thank you for both your physical and mental help and support. There is no doubt in my mind that without your help, advise, assistance, and insistence, I would not be in both the physical condition and positive mental state that I currently am.”


“I joined the gym when it first opened. I was overweight and not feeling good about myself. And then to top it off, I received lab result numbers that were NOT good. So I was determined to do something about it. I wanted to get healthy, and at my age I thought it would be difficult. So I joined wanting a personal trainer so that I would have to be accountable to someone. I started working with Chad, and he has been a total delight to work with. When I first met Chad I was very impressed with his knowledge and experience in the area of fitness. Chad is very personable, and I could see that he really wanted me to achieve my goals. Chad has given me advice on eating healthier, tips on losing weight, and things to keep me encouraged and looking forward to each session. So far I’ve lost 37 pounds and I’m fitting into size 10 jeans. It’s hard to believe. Size 16’s were getting tight when I started. Oh, and the lab results are NORMAL now. I still have some work to do. But I know by working with Chad I’ll be able to accomplish my goal and keep it off. Thanks Chad for being my personal trainer, and keeping me" INSPIRED!”


“The purpose of this letter is to recognize the outstanding experience and results I have had while working with Steve. My purpose in working with a personal trainer in the first place was to try to jump-start my fitness for rowing as well as bring back some strength to my knee which I had never fully regained after reconstructive surgery six years ago.

As one former athlete working with another (in my case figure skating), Steve has been very perceptive in recognizing what my capabilities (though dormant) are, and has provided me with a challenging training program that keeps me coming back. He was very careful to incorporate the wishes of my physical therapist regarding the knee in designing a program for me, and not only do I no longer have pain in my knee, but the strength gains I have made in just four months are overwhelming. My body fat percentage has dropped 3% in these four months, and I feel more fit at forty-one than I did at thirty-one. Steve has tremendous knowledge in the area of fitness and body mechanics, and I value completely his opinions and judgment in my training. With his help, I hope to be racing a single shell soon.”