The Countdown to Candy Begins…

Fall is packed with so many fun traditions to look forward to! In Texas, we might not get to enjoy cool weather for a while, but this season still brings the excitement of pumpkin carving, costume parties, and, of course… CANDY. By the time October wraps up, we know it’s a whirlwind ride to the end of the year filled with get-togethers, sweet treats, and holiday feasts.
Navigating all this can be tricky for those of us trying to make healthier choices! So, what’s the game plan? Usually, we lean toward one of two strategies:
- Strict No “Bad” Foods Rule: We convince ourselves that this will be the year we have the willpower to resist every temptation, skip all desserts, and bring our own broccoli to the party. This approach might work for a bit, but it often crumbles under pressure.
- Give Up Completely: We throw in the towel and dive headfirst into holiday indulgence, wondering what on earth we’ve done to ourselves by the time January rolls around.
This holiday season, let’s find a middle ground that lets you enjoy the festivities without the guilt:
Plan Ahead: The issue often isn’t the occasional indulgence; it’s the mindless snacking that goes on for months. So do a little planning for the holiday season, and before each event. Think about what events matter most to you and which ones are less important. Also, are there dinners where you can check the menu in advance and plan accordingly? If you have a lot of buffets to attend, consider eating a healthy meal before work parties to avoid gorging on those crockpot meatballs all night.
Set Up Guardrails: Instead of strict “rules,” think of guardrails to help keep you safe. For instance, a guardrail might be to allow yourself dessert at parties, but skip keeping any sweets at home. Ask yourself, “What are the kindest guardrails I can put in place to support my choices?”
Move Your Body: Movement sparks healthy decisions. Even a simple daily walk can calm your mind, refocus your thoughts, and boost your energy. Stick to your workouts, and it’ll be easier to make good eating choices.
Hire Accountability: Just like we hire financial planners or see doctors when needed, having someone to support and encourage you in your wellness journey can be invaluable. If you need that extra push, reach out to us at Inspire!
Recognize the Special Moments: Embrace this special time of year and savor the moments that matter. Time with friends and family is precious, and the eating traditions that go along with those moments carry special memories. With a little advance planning and accountability, you can go ahead and enjoy Aunt Reba’s sweet potato casserole, guilt-free!
At Inspire Fitness, we’d love to partner with you to help you feel great about your wellness choices over the next few months! Reach out today to see how we can work together.